Monday, November 24, 2014


Well this is it,
And you know why
She's leaving.
You had a chance
The lifelong dance
You led her,
Only it's you who'll be
Wings clipped
Now slipping away,
Another ones words
You're still
She's blood
And all that
Was good,
A reminder yes
But, do you see how
You're behaving?

You'll be a shell
Without its pearl,
A wave
Without its curl,
Oh how it should
You're losing
Your little girl.

One day
When age
Issues a memory of pain,
When tears flow
Lonely amazon rain
You'll regret,
You'll hurt
And such a time
Belongs in the dirt.

A daughter is all
And on your sword
You did fall...... Badbye.
So I ask these words
From your ignorance
She did bleed
But she'll never plead
Badbye daddy

Phil Hall  November 2014.

Friday, November 21, 2014


I remember the fallen
I remember the dead,
I remember the fields
Now their earthen bed.
I remember the pain
I remember how they bled,
I remember the tears
The eulogy said.
I remember the fallen
I remember their glory,
I remember they still keep dying
A never ending story.

Phil Hall  November 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Lets get this straight
I ain't gonna legislate,
Or even hesitate....
I'm white n proud.
I say it loud
Out to the crowd,
We ain't black
Give their styles back
And the salty whack
Came from a
White nutsack.
Check your reflection
You sorry collection,
Waste of an erection,
You look a sight
Your speech ain't right
You ain't ghetto
You're white!!!
The walk
The talk
You look like a dork,
Lyrics not understood
Proper Elmer Fudd
And really never should
"What's up blood?"
This ain't about sides
So pull up your strides,
Serious spar
Don't pimp your car,
It's ok, it's alright
Be proud
Be white.
The blacks look cool
They go by their rule,
So don't be a fool
Answer the call
Stand tall.
Smart boots
Fitted suits
Stand out from the crowd
Shout it out loud
"I'm white and proud!"

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Look at me
What Do you see?
Selfish selfies
Its all about
Extended arm
What's that about?
It's to capture
The puckered lips
That seductive pout.
Get it out there
Modern society deb,
Syrup trap
For salivating fools
To tangle in your web.
But wait,
Unwanted knocking on your door,
It was only a tease
Selfish selfies
You knew the score.
You've just posed
Like a whore in Amsterdam,
These are the goods
Can you afford them?
It's really only a scam.
Self promotion
On the most basic scale,
You all look the same
Quite pathetic in truth
You're no Mata Hari, you fail.
When the fad dies
And ladies again become mystery,
Where beauty speaks
Through action and word
A better place social media will be.

Phil Hall  November 2014.


Sea and sun
In equal measure,
Scattered islands
Unique treasure.
I breathed in
I inhaled you,
Oh beautiful paradise
Sweet Cebu.
Topaz sky
Pink coral sand,
A coat of emerald trees
Enwrap the land.
As sure as birds fly south
I flew to you,
Oh heaven on earth
Sweet Cebu.
Her people of good faith
To whom I genuflect,
Of warm smiling faces
I do reflect.
The new love of my life
I blow a kiss to you,
Etched into my heart
My sweet Cebu.

Phil Hall November 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014


I see you
In each thought,
On every corner
In everything I do.
You're the sun on my face
The scented breeze
Stroking my cheek,
You make my heart race.
In the cinema of sleep
I see you with closed eyes,
Dreams to treasure
A fantasy to keep.
Each pulse of my blood
Refreshing my mind,
Printing you onto my memory
Visions of all that is good.
I see you in the waves of the sea
Every breath of an ocean breeze,
In the gulls drifting flight
I see you with me.
I smile when you come into view
Clouds part, rainbows smile
Heaven appears in front of me
When I see you.

Phil Hall  December 2014