Monday, March 16, 2015


I want to walk
On an endless beach,
With tears and memories
Falling in equal measure.
I want to talk
To the ocean breeze,
And feel life all around me
Where life has now departed.
I want to see
Those far off days,
Playing in the sun
With the pride to comfort me.

I want to walk
Under towering trees,
With glittered jewels
Of sunlight
Showering down on me.
I want to talk
With the lion
Father of the pride,
Seated high upon exalted dais
Stern and strong
Forever in our soul
Whilst our blood does pulse.

"Angli tamen Leo rugiet"
The English lion still roars!

Phil Hall  March 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015


I've awoken
From a world of denial,
A world of dreaming spires
Kite flying
And oceans blue.
I've sat up,
Untied the bondage
Of blissful ignorance,
Where words flood
Tripping over
One another
To satisfy
The lust for
Self adulation.
This ship has sailed,
Floating free
Upon the sea of life
A dreamy river of destiny.
A new smile breaks
Refreshed, cleansed
By the breeze of yesterday.
The sun and stars
Tug at ones conscience,
Ink dries
Upon the pages of self harm
And abuse of the soul.
Free again to wander
And wonder,
A Virgin birth of sunrays
Warm the future path
As I stroll barefoot
And barefaced
In a breeze of yesterday.
Phil Hall.  February 2015