Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I'll walk with you
Talk with you,
If you were a bird
I may even
Squawk with you.
I'll walk in the park
With you,
Lark with you
And if you were a dog
I'd probably
Bark with you.
I'll walk by the sea
With you,
Just to be with you
And even if
You were wrong
I'd agree with you.
I'll walk on by
With you,
Lie with you,
Hold your hand
And even cry
With you.
I'll walk a mile
With you,
Climb the stile with you,
See the world
Taste it's delights
And smile with you.
I'll walk with you
Talk with you,
I'd toast us
By pulling a champagne cork
With you,
But above all
I just want to be
With you.
Phil Hall    January 2016

Friday, October 2, 2015


The road of life
Is paved with pitfalls,
Proverbial crablice
Nipping at ones balls.
The end of the path
Be it a groan or a yell,
We descend into darkness
Dying plunge
Into the pit called "Hucking Fell".
An unknown journey
Where nobody ever returns,
Sprouting wings
Lay on ethereal cloud
Or below where fire burns.
Out upon the misty moor
Toss the coin for right or wrong,
The decision lies
At ones feet
As to where you will belong.
Many have died for salvation
Under a prophet's spell,
Did they reach nirvana?
Enter the spiritual nation
To the tolling of the bell
As the end approaches
As far as I can tell,
My soul will be warmed
And torn apart
In the furnace of "Hucking Fell".

Phil Hall. July 2015