I want to have a word
A word with myself,
But, not as I am today
No no no.
I want to talk to the youth
The boy I once was,
Full of fire, flights of fancy
And bursting with vigour.
Wildly optimistic,
Forever unrealistic,
The world to me
Just a playground.
I burned with notions
Smouldered with emotions,
The future was over there
So very far away.
I was young, fit and strong
I was never wrong,
There was no time for tomorrow,
All that existed was today.
I'd tap myself
On the shoulder,
Converse with authority
Clear voiced, not too loud,
Your world is here
Not up there in the clouds.
Tell me of the places been
People met
And wonders seen,
To work out who I am
And what life means.
I want to have a word
A word with who I was before,
As I stand here with greying hair
Bemused expression
And withering stare.
Creaking joints and aching bones
Voice stentorian, even monotone,
This is what you've become
The final portrait
The answered sum,
I'm not you anymore
What is it you see?
This is your future
Do you really want to be me?
A word with myself,
But, not as I am today
No no no.
I want to talk to the youth
The boy I once was,
Full of fire, flights of fancy
And bursting with vigour.
Wildly optimistic,
Forever unrealistic,
The world to me
Just a playground.
I burned with notions
Smouldered with emotions,
The future was over there
So very far away.
I was young, fit and strong
I was never wrong,
There was no time for tomorrow,
All that existed was today.
I'd tap myself
On the shoulder,
Converse with authority
Clear voiced, not too loud,
Your world is here
Not up there in the clouds.
Tell me of the places been
People met
And wonders seen,
To work out who I am
And what life means.
I want to have a word
A word with who I was before,
As I stand here with greying hair
Bemused expression
And withering stare.
Creaking joints and aching bones
Voice stentorian, even monotone,
This is what you've become
The final portrait
The answered sum,
I'm not you anymore
What is it you see?
This is your future
Do you really want to be me?
Phil Hall. January 2016
Copyright philthepoet61.blogspot.com
Copyright philthepoet61.blogspot.com
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