She stands alone in darkened room
Pandora, desired by all, her soul an echoing tomb,
Black on black, silk on lace,
Red slash smear on ice cold face.
Wings of darkest plume, satin smooth and ravenesque
Men succumb to those eyes so Arabesque,
Subtle curves and rich molten thighs
He who touches her..... Will always die.
Skin of marble, eyes of jade
The lust of man on her body played,
Everyone's fantasy, everymans urge
Pandora causes blood to surge.
She's in all our thoughts, our dark needs
Pandora in our minds, the devil feeds,
Desires of flesh and lustful thought
Since the dawn of man, such pleasures sought.
Beware Pandora and her tempting form
Her hypnotic brew will cause a storm,
Marriages and trust fall into decay
When temptation comes out to play.
Phil Hall September 2013
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