Everyday used to be
A rainy day,
Storms would brew
Deep inside my head
The wind blew strong
When I had something to say.
Then came you
And the rain in my head
Would just fade away.
A rainbow would appear
Where puddles dried,
A multicoloured overseer
To the events
Which had died.
The rain though
Gave new birth,
A zest for new life
A feeling of worth.
The storms that brewed
The tempest in my mind,
With the rainy day
The light guiding me
It was you I did find.
For years I've lived
A life of rainy days,
I steer now to calmer waters
A changing
Of my ways.
Sunshine on the horizon
Life giving rays,
My breath misting
Over future fields and meadows
Proclaiming loves shimmering haze.
It is you who's given me shelter
Away from my minds driving rain,
I've leapt from life's helter skelter
And you've freed me from my pain.
Phil Hall August 2014
From rain that meant gloom n doom, came rain that gave a zest for life - its called Love!