Dancing lights,
Glowing warm
On frosted nights.
They twinkled bright
With sparkling green,
Excited child
And Santa seen.
Chocolate coins
Hidden in the tree,
The dancing lights
A joy to me.
Gifts wrapped and tied
By Mom and Dad,
I'd get my new bike
I hadn't been bad.
Sitting by the tree
Rehearsing the lines I'd say,
I was to be King Herod
In the nativity play.
The dancing lights
Like the stars up high,
Shone down on our crib
A pin held up our Angel to fly.
The empty manger
In the barn with cardboard door,
With baby Jesus soon to appear
He waited, hidden in the kitchen drawer.
The smell of spirits and fruit
For the cake and pud,
Licking the spoon and bowl
A taste of Christmas, so so good.
Tongue on the coloured strips
To make garlands and paper chains,
We looked everyday for the snow
But, it only ever rains.
The curtains drawn
Dad lets the lights down low,
So we can sit round the tree
And enjoy its magical glow.
I'm older now
My youth far in the past,
I still love the dancing lights
Long may it last.
The spirit of Christmas
Our saviour represented by lights and tree,
Celebrate the world over
And I wish you all a merry Christmas
From me.
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