Saturday, November 23, 2013


Nature is battened down
The thinning harvest
Laid on leafy platter.
Birds in social flight
Flit through hedgerow
And ploughed field.
The warming glow
Of watery sunshine
Filters through
Delicate rice paper sky.
The meadow is soft underfoot
Gently sucking at sturdy boot.
Mist swirls over glistening grass
As it rises in frosted breath
From the glassy stream,
Whose twisting path roams
In haphazard abandon.
She curls an arm near to oak
Who guides her from rooted bank.
Bough bends to stroke his friend
She kisses his ageing fronds
To carry twisted leaves to heaven.
A buzzard circles with regal disdain
A single cry of lofty freedom,
He views the world below
Eying my walk amidst his realm.
Summers bustle and noisy clamour
Replaced by natures monastic calm,
A scene where God smiles on us all
Blessing me during a winter walk.
His grace, his majesty painted
Upon my heart, nature in all her splendour
Loyal and stolid, my England.
Phil Hall  November 2013

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