Wednesday, July 24, 2013


It's all about take
And photos of kittens in a glass,
Wallowing in self styled misery
Or the pursuit of laboured love.
The baring of naked flesh
Tattooed or ripped torso,
Then the cheap desktop calendar quote
That should gather the plus.

Me me me me me.

Where is the real soul?
It is all just poetic soundbyte.
So, I'll laugh from the sidelines
No part of standard guidelines
Souls sold
For fools gold.
It's the trend of nowadays
Full of self and throwaways,

Although it seems like Christmas
Something is wanted in return,
What good is the cake
With only crumbs on offer?
The reason for my leaving
Is the treason of my giving,

Just poetic soundbyte

Me me me me me.

It's all about take

This is my final say
Now it's time to slip away.

Phil Hall  July  2013


  1. Beautiful and so true in so many cases. I'm glad you're writing again. <3 xxxx

  2. Beautiful. As writers or poets we do take the reader on a journey. For that one moment they step into our world. In hopes we can make them feel what we feel, see what we see.
    Like I've told you before, you have a gift that has touch so many lives. It isn't just about putting words together for them to read.
    You are a true man of men. You've allowed people to see your heart and soul. You've allowed people to walk inside of your emotions.
    Beautiful poem!

  3. Couldn't have said it better myself, Phil. The frustration has pushed me to the point of wanting to delete my account and start a blog similar to this one. If that happens, you'll be one of the first to know. Be blessed, my friend. ~WP
