Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Codename - Sealion

Authority - Executive order 16

Operation- The German invasion of England

Outcome- The Battle of Britain

On the day they spat their fire
Full of heart, courage and ire,
It was an Austrians burning desire
To build an English funeral pyre.

We didn't buckle under Hitlers game
As we English don't play the same,
Poles, Czechs and Canadians fame
Aided the British hurricane.

The advance halted in the sky
Goering told an awful lie,
His pilots questioned the reason why
The few kept coming and wouldn't die.

The war eventually won because of the few
We owe so much to the fighters crew,
'Winnie' stirred the patriotic brew
When the heroic Spitfires roared into view.

Phil Hall  July 2013.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written and a picture of war and bravery etched into my mind.
