Thursday, July 4, 2013



It was just like any other day
The sun shone, kids playing,
The world was at war.
But on this day
The 6th August 1945
Enola’s little boy wouldn’t be coming home.
She dropped him off
Not from the car, but from a B-29
He was meant to save the world,
His actions certainly shook
And took so many lives
Was Enola proud of her little boy?
Roosevelt and Churchill sat quietly together
A year or so before,
Discussing the future of the little boy
And the ‘Manhattan project’ was born.
Peace was the ultimate aim
Against a foe who sacrificed their own children,
Who had no intention of stopping their quest
Of world submission and outright domination
Drastic and final measures had to be employed.
When the gleaming, glass fronted ‘Superfortress’
Took to the air that day,
With the little boy strapped deep in her bowels
It signaled that
The world would never be the same again.
When Nagasaki met ‘The fat man’
And Kokura breathed a sigh of relief,
It was all over,
The enemy had fallen to their knees.
The ‘Mighty Mo’ took the honour
When the signature was scribbled on the parchment,
But it was number 82 Enola Gay
And her little boy
Who gave out the terrible lesson.
The project was a horrific success
The ‘Manhattan’ its secret now shared,
The legacy of which is a fractious world peace
Though terrorism still threatens our freedom.
In a dreadful twist of irony
The name Manhattan, used so long ago
 To procure the worlds lasting safety,
Suffered at the hands of terrorists
With wanton destruction of the twin towers,
Fifty six years after the little boy
Fell from the sky to end a war
Evil bit back.
“Will Enola have to take her little boy out again?”

Phil Hall  July 2013

1 comment:

  1. i had always thought the Manhatten priject was a myth. PHIL i can't breathe and i cant stop crying, what are we doing? does war solve anything
