My eyes see the world
But who is it looking?
My ears hear the voices
Is it I that's listening?
My voice issues a sound
Though I can't claim it's mine.
Is it the stranger inside me?
Sometimes I love
Sometimes I hate,
I want to help
Though I also hinder
And annoy with a joy.
Who is the real me?
A stranger is inside me.
I have smiled at times
Also spat in your face,
I cannot believe I'd do that
Because I have a faith
Though I doubt him often.
There lurks a stranger inside me.
I am in love
Though I also lust,
I am full of passion
But, also naked aggression
There's a part of me I don't like.
The stranger inside is stirring.
My mind feels sharp
Although my body is tired,
For every time I help
I want to hurt more
I may lose my control.
The stranger may soon take over.
Phil Hall July 2013
Phil it is wonderful to have you back, this is a special poem because just when i feel as if i am the only one, i find i'm not. i thought i had settled the battle of good and bad within myself 3 years ago only for it to rear its ugly head these last few months. i want to go the good route and yet i do not always choose that way. i do not want to be damaged and bad, yet that is part of me. i pray Jehovah helps me. thank you my Knight. XXX