The dreadful Crohn's disease has no cure, a lifetime of surgical intervention awaits all who develop it. I met a young lady who was for theatre...... Hannah.
There is no such thing
As today.
It was just like
Any other day,
But that's not
What I wanted
To say,
It was this day
A normal working day,
I met Hannah.
She was sat
A nervous young thing,
Her bravery
Like a gossamer wing.
A fragility
In youthful skin
A defiant woman within,
But I saw through it all
The timid and delicately small
She walked with me
She held my arm,
Fear in her steps
Afraid of the harm.
But, she trusted me
Her Knight, all in blue,
I held her hand
I knew what to do.
The team gathered
And hands were lathered
For Hannah.
The hours past
We did what we were able,
As this defenceless young lady
Lay naked on the table.
Life dealt her a tough hand
She'll have problems for life,
Many operations
Under many a knife.
As she came round
The defiant sparkle re found
Brave Hannah.
Thank you Hannah
For leading the way,
For giving me renewed faith
In people today.
This young lady
So inspiring and brave,
To this condition
She'll not be a slave.
For a day you were a queen
A true Angel I'd seen,
Sweet Hannah.