Saturday, June 8, 2013



There isn’t as sad a song
As the one sung by a caged bird,
Such a lonely, plaintive voice
Bitter sweet the melody,
Where love is forced
And freedom denied.
She sings her song
Which only one can hear
And he doesn’t understand,
She is his prize
His jealousy insists
She can sing only for him.
So there she sits
With sorrowful note
Because that is what she does,
She sings her sweet song
The walls her bars
The fear her chain,
Yet she still sings.
Her words full of yearning
For flight and fresh clean air,
Of preening her stunning plumage
Of days spent in the sun.
To fly with others
To learn their ways,
To discover beauty and self worth,
The caged bird will fly free
When the chance of real love
Arrives to release her.
A life behind gilded bars
Isn’t a life for a songstress,
It is trust and respect
Warmth and pride
In her colours and her song,
Let her be free
Fly free to show the world
Her beauty, her love
Her powerful spirit,
Show her these things
And she’ll return
And the cage will become
 Her nest.
To caged birds everywhere
The door can open
The world is out there,
Fly free
It is yours
By right.

Phil Hall  June 2013


  1. oh phil, i feel like this only i have no song to sing just the desire to be free and to be loved. i feel as if i am crazy. my life used to be so numb. it was simple,boring but content. now i have opened up to a broken heart, and facing fear and trying to be brave. i did not realize that caring and feelings were such beautiful agony. thank you, XXX

    1. Kim, everyone has a song to sing. Maybe the words might not make sense but the meaning would be clear. So I say, sing your song. Speak your truth.

  2. Thank you Phil ... You have just described my marriage and the struggle to be me. Beautiful.

  3. If I didn't know better, I'd think that you were a fly on my wall and wrote this about me. Beautifully written with empathy for those caged birds.

  4. Phil - this is beautiful yet sad .... "The fear her chain"... invisible chain but the fear is so real it feels like physical bondage , its tragic how one can entrap oneself cos one lacks the will n the couràge to break free ...
