Tuesday, June 11, 2013



She is the Tigress
A lover who purrs,
A protector of cubs
A killer of fools,
With her
My scars of love
Match those of battle.
I thirst for her words
My mind salivates,
I devour her thoughts
A beauty indeed
Difficult to resist
A danger to be close.
She the Tigress
Her scent arouses,
The very essence of woman
Hunting me
Stalking me,
The elation
The excitement of death,
She brings it all.
Blood from my lips,
She bites deep
Her scratches gouge,
My back is torn
To my Tigress
My passion is sworn.
She hunts love
She tastes fear,
Her fine hair
Rises when I’m near
Ready to pounce,
To impale her fangs
In her lust for blood.
My Tigress
Woman of power,
The Queen of the forest
Can savage my soul
And devour my heart
The sweet death.
Phil Hall  June 2013


  1. wow
    thats all i have to say.... now i am the one speechless...

  2. breathtaking. the queen of the jungle. i think all women want to be this way at one time or another in their lives. fearless and strong enough to just take what you want.

  3. Lustful and filled with animal yearning. I love it.
