What’s the fascination with meercats?
All they are is flea ridden rats.
They’re on our TV’s at all times of day,
On billboards and buses, they find a way.
To have you believe they’re from Leningrad.
But, in fact they’re stuffed toys, how very sad,
That car insurance is going off the scale.
The incentive to buy… A Sergei doll in the mail.
Scratching the earth for bugs, that’s real toil.
A horse was once Pope, animals all over the place.
Why not go the whole way? It maybe just too sinister,
Have a goldfish captain England and a snail as prime
So, about my car insurance, I don’t care what meercats
I’ll not buy from them, but, a warthog might just be
Phil Hall
November 2011
I'm afraid I think Meerkats are cute. My granddaughter paid for me to feed them with maggots at Twycross Zoo. Its not their fault that advertisers think they will help sell insurance!