Sunday, March 10, 2013


When rights are wrong

An innocent girl just wanted to go to school,
In a land where women have no rights and tyrants rule.

Children cannot fly a kite, brown paper is banned,

If a woman wears nail varnish, she loses her hand.
I find it amazing, so hard to understand,
How a woman considers it a right, to wear a veil in this land.
Surely the actions of brave Malala Yousafzai,
Has given all women, a chance to rid the lie.
Being covered from head to toe, unable to show your face,
Is a man telling a woman she's not part of the human race.
To get the vote and to be allowed into certain places,
A woman died beneath the hooves at Epsom races.
The message from Malala and Emily Davison is strong,

Bowing to a mans will is not a right, it is wrong.

It’s so hard to lose our young in the Afghan dust,
But, this madness must be checked, children’s freedom a must.
So, whilst here in freedom, a woman has every right,
To drive a car, get a job, go to school and be in sight.
When you walk your child to school, should they be shot?
Education is her right, would you deny her? I thought not.
Phil Hall             October 2012


  1. Wow what a wonderful poem. Malala is a very brave young woman who nearly paid with her life for her beliefs. Women in some parts of the world are treated like chattels and its not right. I'm so grateful to be what I am. You are very caring in what you want to write about x

  2. Very great poem Phil. A strong reminder of what we take for granted everyday in this part of the world, and such courage Malala showed. I too am very grateful for my freedom.
