Friday, March 15, 2013




     A glance through the window on this working Sunday,
As the rain is beating down, a grey miserable day.
                               Expectant parents await the arrival of their girl or boy,
                               With us being witness to their emotional joy.
                               The safety of sterile trolleys, clinicians and drugs,
                               A million miles from dust, dirty water and bugs.
                               Though this drama is played out in all corners of the world,
                               From China to Africa this wondrous tableau’s unfurled.
                               From the first bubbling cry, this child will be heard,
                              Dependent upon doting parents, until the first spoken word.
                              It’s a privilege to play a role in their infants start,
                             The beginning of life’s story, ‘til death do they part.
                             As this baby starts to breathe the life giving air,
                             A huge, strange new world at which they can stare,
                             The joyful tears for the life that’s just started,
                             Mix with the sorrow and grief for one just departed.

                            This is the wonder and mystery of our life,
                            With all of its glory, pain, love and strife.
                            Life is so special, from the first drawing of breath,
                            Let’s celebrate it all from birth toward ultimate death.

                            Phil Hall    March 2012

1 comment:

  1. Nice, I am fro the children and to be part of their future, AMAZING. peace for this post. bzzzzz
