Sunday, August 18, 2013


A hot, sultry and sunny day
Lemon jelly clouds floating in the sky,
Mountains of ice cream topped chocolate
Maybe they're dreams, because I'm high.
My girl runs away skipping in the field
She floats over a sea of living grass,
Her little white panties on show
Sexily disappearing up her beautifully rounded ass.
I never seem to get any nearer
She teases me with her lascivious smile,
My legs are running in the stickiest treacle
This strange dream pours mile after mile.
I know I'm asleep, yet I chase and I yearn
I'll wake when I catch my prize,
My lust will be wasted, spent on a thought
When I suddenly open my eyes.
Here lay in my lonely, dishevelled bed
Thinking of the girl in my dreams,
I wriggle and curse as I try to sleep again
But, her image is replaced by horror it seems.
I have come to the end of my life
As I stare through mortis at the coroners knife,
I'm dead but that's not the end of my strife
The girl showing her panties was the coroners wife!
This is a dream I can do what I like
So I chase her once more through the field,
We tumble as I catch her and now I can have fun
Her legs part as my prize she then yields.
People walk past us as we roll in the freshly cut hay
Oblivious they stroll past every which way,
They don't care as our naked bodies on oblivious display
This dream occurs several times each day.
Now the lemon jelly clouds drop sherbet rain
And we both get sweet, sticky and wet,
Then I awake in torment and confusion
As my bed sheets are soaked in my sweat.
Phil Hall  August 2013

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