Sunday, May 5, 2013



Education, everyday
Prevention, changes, treatment
Sterility, awareness, priority
It’s vital

There’s shock and horror in the world,
When a class of children die,
There’s new laws and gun legislation,
As we try to figure, why?

Safety features are everywhere,
To stop us coming to any harm,
But, there is a killer abroad
That should cause us great alarm.

This killer will target anyone,
The fit, the young and the healthy,
It’ll not just pick on the weak and frail,
It’ll even kill the wealthy.

The thousands murdered in the twin towers,
On that truly horrific day,
Is about the same amount that die every month
By this indiscriminate killer right here in the UK.

This killer is known simply as ‘Sepsis’
To most it’s just an infection,
But, it kills more than various cancers put together,
 If it’s not treated after early detection.

When the body responds to an infections attack
It can lead to it injuring its own tissue.
Sepsis is a life threatening illness with the onset
 Of shock, organ failure and death being the issue.

This poem was just to promote awareness,
To a dedicated team, The UK Sepsis Trust.
This condition has affected somebody close to you,
To stop this waste of life is a must.

This poem is dedicated to the ‘UK Sepsis Trust’
This is a worldwide problem. There are dedicated teams in most countries trying to promote awareness to this dreadful illness.
37,000 lives are lost in the UK every year to Sepsis. The worldwide total per year will be far greater.

Phil Hall  May 2013

1 comment:

  1. I love how educate it is, having a flow, easy and briefy to understand,
    to the point and heart felt.
