Tuesday, May 14, 2013


(And all related nonsense)

There is so much snobbery
In everything we do,
Certain people looking down their nose
At the likes of me and you.

I’ll try and give examples
Of the day to day things I see,
Then I suppose the snobs will have their say
And have a go at me.

Go into a swanky restaurant
And look on the menu,
It’s full of flowery, meaningless crap,
Designed to take more money from me and you.

When a sauce becomes a reduction
And gravy is described as a jus.
All I want is some moisture on my veg,
I don’t need this ridiculous fuss.

When scallops are called ‘Pan fried’
It doesn’t make me feel I need to eat.
And just how much better is ‘Hand carved’ ham?
Do they normally slice it with their feet?

The wine list is another thing entirely
 When the snobs really go to town,
If you take a bottle of house red
When ordering fish, they frown.

The descriptions of the taste, nose and bouquet
Like hint of citrus and leather.
Well I can’t find any of that,
But two bottles help me forget about the bad weather.

I don’t get this act of sniffing the wine,
Then slurping and gurgling as they suck it.
It can’t really taste too good
As they always spit it into a bucket.

When the meal eventually arrives,
In the middle of the plate a small stack.
Your beer infused and massaged steak
Is the size of a small child’s snack.

You ask repeatedly for bread rolls
As your stomach is continually rumbling,
You wipe your plate clean of the drizzle
All the while about the portion, you’re quietly mumbling.

Now I find poetry has snobbery also,
With stanzas, metaphors and all of these things,
I couldn’t care less about presentation
Just as long as the poetry sings.

We’re all given a voice
And we all have something to say,
I don’t need somebody to tell me
They’d write my work a different way.

Because, then it becomes your work
It wouldn’t feel mine quite as much,
I like to see poor grammar and mistakes here and there,
It gives the work a beautiful, personal touch.

Phil Hall  May 2013

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