Saturday, April 27, 2013


(The goddess of love)

I lay next to you in spirit,
Our souls were embraced through the night.
Our lips touched, so very gently,
Your body shook in sheer delight.
We whispered words of love to each other,
From across the deep void millennia away.
I arose with my body feeling satisfied,
My Goddess gave me new life for today.

My Freya, how I yearn for the darkness
So, we can lie on our heavenly bed.
The Goddess and her warrior lover,
With our love written in the stars it is said;
“Freya, will be loved by a mere mortal,
The Gods grant her this sacred unity,
To a fair warrior from far off Lloegyr,
An everlasting bond of both worlds it will be”

Phil Hall  April  2013


  1. Sensual, soft and flowing. Well done!

  2. whoever she is i hope she keeps inspiring my knight in battered armor, my warrior to keep writing the poetry that made me feel emotions again. i will always be thankful to you both.
