Wednesday, April 24, 2013



I've carved my name
In the tree of life,
I've etched my epitaph
Upon my headstone.
Posted my obituary in the paper,
And, booked the funeral,
 By phone.
I had smoke signals
As cards for my birthday,
Received a text
To say I was born.
My first girlfriend shouted ,
“You’re dumped”
My heart, like paper was torn.
I was embarrassed by a friend
On ‘You tube’.
Bullied by some freak
On Facebook,
Though I was glad
I found out about Google,
As it taught me how to cook.
I found my bride
Through mail order,
And she arrived
 In the post from Thailand,
The fact that she was a he
And needed an op, my anger,
They couldn't understand.
I get all my shopping
From supermarkets online,
 Fresh fruit, my bread,
And even my favourite bitter.
I suppose when I die,
I’ll have an app that transmits
Telling everyone I’m dead via Twitter.

Phil Hall  April 2013