Thursday, April 25, 2013



I met my love at Merlin’s stone,
On a moon shot and silvery night.
The stones, granite ghosts in sentry there,
A guard of honour, to the Goddess of light.

She lay atop Merlin’s stone,
Her flowing gown spun from fairy wing silk.
With eyes like emeralds seducing me,
And skin soft as unicorn milk.

My armour shone bright on Merlin’s stone,
By my side a sword of finest honed steel.
My helmet with plume and dragon finials
I removed, as to my Goddess, I would kneel.  

With languid hand I was beckoned to rise,
To Merlin’s stone I drew near,
Her full lips whispered with perfumed breath,
And she said her name was Freya.

A warrior I be, of Lion heart
But that night I was a youth in love.
A mere mortal from the land of Midgard,
And a plaything of a Goddess from above.

We held hands sat on Merlin’s stone,
Her mystical eyes were full of tears.
“I want to be loved by a mortal man”
She said haltingly, as I held her near.

Although I feared the Gods of Asgard,
We loved with a passion so deep.
I held Freya long into the star filled night,
Until Spent I was ushered to sleep.

I awoke with a start, as a bright light
Bathed the stones in a radiant glow,
And Freya, naked under her gossamer gown
 Put her finger to her lips “Odin will never know”

I visit Merlin’s stone often,
And I know my Freya can hear,
She may be afar in distant Asgard
But, our love we’ll both hold so dear.

To the Goddess of Light and Love
My Freya
Who came to me from the Gods.

Phil Hall  April 2013


  1. Beautiful writing, Phil. I enjoyed this piece very much. Sensual, lovely.

  2. I love your mystical poems, they take me away to another place. Beautiful and sensual Mr. Hall

  3. i love this affair so deep feelings nice writting... (i follow thru ;) )

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. a love story as a bridge between past and present, a beautiful tribute
