Monday, April 22, 2013



 It was like any other Saturday morning,
A noisy children’s party,
That just happened to be today.
None of them seemed to be enjoying themselves,
 With all the adults getting in the way.

There was all the usual food,
That a child is supposed to eat,
Like crisps, sandwiches and cake.
There was an overly large mother,
Whose hands were on the take.

Dads were just standing around,
With hands shoved deep in their pockets,
Wishing they were anywhere else, but there.
But, the mothers needed help blowing up the balloons,
And at least he was good for hot air.

As I watched with smug satisfaction,
 Not being involved with the party from hell,
A bored man in bunny costume slouched into sight.
Several of the kids started screaming at not getting a present,
Then a couple of the parents started to fight.

It was then I thought I’d seen the same party,
Fast forward the children about seventy years.
 Elderly people at a Christmas dinner looking just as down,
Their children didn't want them spoiling their Christmas plans.
So, they dumped them in a home across town.

 These parties that are supposed to be for the children,
Are they really just so parents can show off?
The visit to the parents in their home for the Elderly,
 Looks of embarrassment and discomfort are clearly on show.
The young and the old live without an opinion, clearly.

Phil Hall  April 2013

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, sooooo true! Both this children's parties and the aged homes
